If you have any questions about our programs or any other soccer issues, please contact Ole using the phone numbers and email addresses listed below or use the contact form.
General Questions
Rafael Fava
203-873-0309 | olesoccernews@gmail.com
203-873-0309 | olesoccernews@gmail.com
Business Opportunities
Rodrigo Nunes
203-528-6007 | olernunes@gmail.com
203-528-6007 | olernunes@gmail.com
Rodrigo Nunes
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
Rafael Fava
203-873-0309 | olerfava@gmail.com
203-873-0309 | olerfava@gmail.com
Ole Regional Select
Rodrigo Nunes
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
Ole Mini-Stars, Stars, Super Stars
Joseph Couto
203-815-4932 | olecouto@gmail.com
203-815-4932 | olecouto@gmail.com
Sponsorship Opportunities
Rodrigo Nunes
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
203-873-0309 | olernunes@gmail.com
Birthday Parties
203-5211848 | olebparty@gmail.com
203-5211848 | olebparty@gmail.com