The Perfect Lesson for Life! 

18 months-24 months

This is a parent/child TOTAL participation. This program introduces balancing, agility skills and eye-hand, eye-feet coordination skills. At this age, a child’s level of independent mobility will typically progress from aggressive crawling into running. Additional fine and gross motor skills developed during this stage including kicking a ball, throwing a ball and stopping a ball. The Atmosphere is FUN & MUSIC filled!!

Shining Stars Schedule

  • Training sessions are one time a week for 30 minutes


5 Classes for $100 


Classes starting on Monday, October 10th. 

Ole Alpha (525 Tunxis Hill Cutoff, Fairfield) 

Monday (5 classes) –   10:00 am   –   Register Here

Tuesday (5 classes) –   10:00 am –  Register Here

Wednesday (5 classes) –   9:30 am  –  Register Here

Thursday (5 classes) –   9:30 am  –  Register Here

Friday (5 classes) –   9:30 am  –  Register Here

Saturday (5 classes) –   9:00 am  –  Register Here

Sunday (5 classes) –   9:00 am   –   Register Here

Sunday (5 classes) –   10:00 am   –   Register Here

Ole Behavior Policy – CLICK HERE

Ole Make Up Policy – CLICK HERE